contradiction - определение. Что такое contradiction
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Что (кто) такое contradiction - определение

Contradictions; Antilogy; Contradictory; Contradict; Contradiction (logic); Pragmatic contradiction; False tautology; Contradicted; Always false logic
  • Aristotelian logic]].

Gainsaying, denial.
Opposition, contrariety, incongruity, antagonism, clashing.
1) an apparent; basic; glaring; inherent contradiction
2) a contradiction between; to
3) in contradiction with
4) (misc.) a contradiction in terms
·noun Direct opposition or repugnancy; inconsistency; incongruity or contrariety; one who, or that which, is inconsistent.
II. Contradiction ·noun An assertion of the contrary to what has been said or affirmed; denial of the truth of a statement or assertion; contrary declaration; gainsaying.



In traditional logic, a contradiction occurs when a proposition conflicts either with itself or established fact. It is often used as a tool to detect disingenuous beliefs and bias. Illustrating a general tendency in applied logic, Aristotle's law of noncontradiction states that "It is impossible that the same thing can at the same time both belong and not belong to the same object and in the same respect."

In modern formal logic and type theory, the term is mainly used instead for a single proposition, often denoted by the falsum symbol {\displaystyle \bot } ; a proposition is a contradiction if false can be derived from it, using the rules of the logic. It is a proposition that is unconditionally false (i.e., a self-contradictory proposition). This can be generalized to a collection of propositions, which is then said to "contain" a contradiction.

Примеры произношения для contradiction
1. contradiction.
David and Goliath _ Malcolm Gladwell _ Talks at Google
2. contradiction.
The Magic of Reality - How we know what's really true _ Professor Richard Dawkins _ Talks at Google
3. contradiction.
The Magic of Reality - How we know what's really true _ Professor Richard Dawkins _ Talks at Google
4. AUDIENCE: --contradiction?
The News - A User's Manual _ Alain de Botton _ Talks at Google
5. There's another contradiction --
Примеры употребления для contradiction
1. Advertisement That isn‘t necessarily a contradiction.
2. Depth of character requires complexity, even contradiction.
3. The American military, however, sees no contradiction.
4. There is no contradiction between the two," Haniya said.
5. ATLANTA –– Sara Wheeler‘s life has become a contradiction.